
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

The creams of Baghlol Bahadur in graveyard

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

Baghlol Bahadur was passing from the graveyard of city. Everywhere was complete darkness. There was one tree in graveyard, about whom it was famous that 2 ghosts live in that tree. Baghlol Bahadur was feeling afraid but it was necessary to pass from there.

A man used to live in country Kharasan, whose name was Baghlol Bahadur. he wasn’t courageous but his luck was very good. Whenever he gets shocked in any difficulty, every time luck supported him and his life would get safe. This is the talk of one night Baghlol Bahadur was passing from the graveyard of city. Everywhere was complete darkness. There was one tree in graveyard, about whom it was famous that 2 ghosts live in that tree. Baghlol Bahadur was feeling afraid but it was necessary to pass from there. To remove his fear Baghlol Bahadur started speaking in screaming in loud voice. You are two and I am one. I know that you are hidden in tree. Come in front. Co-incidentally. 2 thieves were sitting behind that tree and making plan to steal in one rich businessmen house. When they listened the voice of Baghlol Bahadur, so one of them holds him and started asking: Tell truth! How do you got to know about us. Do you know the knowledge of unseen? Baghlol Bahadur understood that those two are some thieves. He started thinking that how to get rid of these thieves. Meanwhile, one thief said, If you get to know the secrets of unseen, so tell that where has the wife of business man of big mansion has kept her necklace of 9 millions? Baghlol Bahadur started saying: “If you promise to give me half from the wealth so then I will tell you”. The thieves quickly agreed. Baghlol said just like that, that the wife of businessman has kept her 9 million necklaces in her room inside one box, with case. The thieves went at that same time and got upon the mansion by putting rope. One thief entered in the room of business man’s wife. The wife of businessman was sleeping. Near there was one box kept on table. The thief opened it so reality the necklace was inside that box. After getting the 9 million necklaces, thieves got very happy.

Baghlol Bahadur gave them suggestion that whoever gets out of city at night, the guards take warrant of them. Baghlol Bahadur gave them suggestion that whoever gets out of city at night, the guards take warrant of them. It is better that, we hide this necklace in graveyard. At morning we will come and take it. I will take my part also tomorrow. The thieves agreed. They hided that necklace in one grave and went in the rest house. Baghlol Bahadur went straight to the mansion of businessman from there and woke up the businessman and told him that the nine million necklace of his wife has been stolen by 2 men and they have hided it in graveyard. The businessman asked surprisingly, how did you come to know? Baghlol said: Leave these things, worry about your necklace, the thieves might take the necklace and run. The businessman took guards at that same time and went to the graveyard. Baghlol indicated towards the grave in which the necklace was hidden. When it was digger, necklace was found. Baghlol Bahadur said: Now quickly arrest the thieves. They are sleeping in the rest house. The guards arrested the thieves. Then one time, this co-incidence happened that the crown of king got stolen on which previous diamonds and stones were decorated. It was searched a lot but the crown wasn’t found. That same businessman whose 9 million necklace was found back, presented in service of king and started saying: O King! In this city, lives such a man, named Baghlol Bahadur who tells that where the stolen material is been hidden? Then the businessman told the king, whole incident of his 9 million necklaces. The king ordered at the same time that, present Baghlol Bahadur in my service immediately. Just it was the time of getting command, the guards ran quickly and after few moments, Baghlol Bahadur was standing in front of King, surprised. The king said: Our previous crown has been stolen. We are giving you time of 1 night. If you won’t tell at morning that who has stolen our crown, so at morning your neck will be cutted off. Baghlol Bahadur started shivering with fear that I have got stuck in which problem. He said a million time that king, I don’t know at all that who has stolen the royal crown. But king didn’t listen at all and said: Just like you got to know about the 9 million necklace of the businessman, like that go and search for this crown also that where is it. Otherwise, at morning your head will be cut. Baghlol Bahadur was kept in crypt. Now he got belief that hour of death has arrived. As morning will come, the executioner will cut his neck, with the command of king. Baghlol Bahadur first asked forgiveness of his sins from Allah جل جلالہ. Then he started saying to himself loudly that you thought yourself as very lucky. Now your safety is very difficult. Your secret is opened. Now you will be killed. Co-incidentally the name of guard of that prison was khush bukht. One minister of king had stolen the crown and made it kept with this guard that when the king will leave the thought of crown then we will take it to country Yemen and sell it. Now when khush bukht listened that Baghlol Bahadur is taking his name and saying that your secret is opened so he quickly opened the door or prison and fell in the feet of baghlol and said you really know the knowledge of unseen. Please make me safe. I haven’t stolen the crown; instead the minister has stolen it and made it kept with me. For God’s sake, don’t take my name in front of king, otherwise the king will make me murdered. Baghlol Bahadur understood that co-incidentally his arrow has struck the point. He lifted his neck and said with pride, Ok! I promise that I won’t tell your name to king. You just give me that crown. The guard brought and gave him the crown at that very moment. Baghlol Bahadur said now your life can only be saved in a way that you go right now and hide this crown under the bed of that minister. The guard went towards the house of minister at that time. He entered the castle hiding. Minister was sleeping deeply. The guard hided the crown, under his bed and started guarding the prison after returning. Now Baghlol Bahadur was very happy. When morning arrived, Baghlol Bahadur was brought in court. Executioner was ready, standing with the sward. The king said to baghlol, I am giving you last chance. Tell, that who has stolen my crown? He said: King! The wazir has stolen your crown. The king looked towards minister with shock. He said worriedly My Lord! This man is a liar. I haven’t stolen the crown. Then Baghlol said, Lord! Let’s see right now by going in castle of minister. The king quickly went to the castle of minister along with Baghlol. The crown was lying under the bed. The king got very happy. He granted Baghlol with many gifts and honor and put that minister in prison. Baghlol fulfilled his promise and didn’t take the name of guard in front of king. (Chosen: Sanwal Chugtai, Ranjhu Chugtai, Amma Zebo Chughtai, Bhoral Chughtai, Ahmed Pur Sharqiya).

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